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The One Interview Question You Should Be Asking

The One Interview Question You Should Be Asking

The One Interview Question You Should Be Asking

By Bryan Chaney

September 16, 2020

Originally Published Here


Now, you might not think that there's much of a connection between ranunculus and reputation management, or snapdragons and social media.

I've been wondering: what if we can use the things left unsaid on resumes to our advantage when making a hire? Sound impossible? I don't think so.

Today, I'm going to give you the one interview question you should be asking - one that will get your candidate thinking, and make you think twice, too.

There's increased pressure to be successful with what few hires you do make.

We're taught as recruiters and hiring managers to focus on the qualifications of the role we're hiring for: Can they do this specific work? Have they done it recently, or are they doing it right now? That's the safe bet when hiring is a risky proposition.

Job seekers have learned to focus on those same questions we ask as hiring professionals.

Does anyone seriously think all that box-checking really gives us a full picture of what our candidates can do?

As promised - the one interview question you should be asking.

Are you looking for someone who's creative? Someone who can think outside the box? Someone who's self-aware, and understands that there are parts of themselves they continually need to work on?

That's your competitive job seeker advantage over everyone else who has simply checked the boxes - and your hiring advantage, too.


Bryan Chaney, B. (2020, September 16). The One Interview Question You Should Be Asking. Retrieved September 24, 2020, from