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How To Maintain Momentum In Your Job Search

How To Maintain Momentum In Your Job Search

How To Maintain Momentum In Your Job Search

By Caroline Castrillon

August 09, 2020

Originally Published Here


A job search takes time, and if you're thinking of making a major career change, that could take even longer.

Conducting a job search can be a very solitary pursuit.

There's no one looking over your shoulder telling you what to do or how many jobs to apply for that day.

Try connecting with other job seekers through social media.

They say that searching for a job is a full-time job.

If you plan on spending 40 hours a week job hunting, you might as well invest in a straitjacket.

With more than 17 million Americans currently unemployed, the job market is more competitive than ever.

What is one way job seekers can boost their resume? Learn a new skill, like a foreign language.

Not only can speaking a foreign language make it easier to find a job, but it also increases earning potential.

This is what psychologist B.J. Fogg, author of Tiny Habits, calls "Celebration." Fogg shares, "When you celebrate, you create a positive feeling inside yourself on demand. This good feeling wires the new habit into your brain. Celebration is both a specific technique for behavior change and a psychological frame shift." Did you get an email response from a recruiter, secure a networking chat with a hiring manager, or land an interview? Hurray! Actively celebrate these milestones so you'll feel motivated to keep forging ahead. Conducting a job search is like cycling on mountainous terrain.


Castrillon, C. (2020, August 9). How To Maintain Momentum In Your Job Search. Retrieved August 11, 2020, from