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How To Stay Positive During A Long And Exhausting Job Search

How To Stay Positive During A Long And Exhausting Job Search

How To Stay Positive During A Long And Exhausting Job Search

By Jack Kelly

August 17, 2020

Originally Published Here


There are times when the job market is hot and you catch all of the breaks.

Even though we're in the midst of a pandemic that created a massive health, economic and job crisis, people continue to put too much pressure on themselves.

You may be in between roles during the worst job market since the Great Depression, but erroneously feel that you should still get interviews and job offers.

You keep calling friends, former co-workers and others in your network, in the hopes of obtaining a solid job lead. To make matters worse, there's a lack of feedback and you're routinely ghosted by companies.

In addition to your job search efforts, remember to practice self-care.

Find hobbies and activities that allow you to decompress and get your mind off of the job search.

If you're unable to procure a job in your chosen field, start contemplating a career pivot or reinvent yourself.

Think of all of the reasons why you want to find a job that is larger than the job itself.

As you face the adversities attendant with the job search, having a purpose and working toward a meaningful goal can power you through the darkest of days.

You don't want to have to tell your family and friends that you lost your job or the promotion you told everyone about didn't materialize.


Kelly, J. (2020, August 17). How To Stay Positive During A Long And Exhausting Job Search. Retrieved August 18, 2020, from