
The Student Affairs Job Search Podcast

Episode 29 Coming back to Student Affairs

On this episode we’ll talk about coming back to student affairs. How are you supposed to come back to student affairs after being away? It’s true, that you might have a gap in your employment history since you’ve left student affairs. Perhaps you took off time to start a family, pursue a different career path, or just wanted some time away.

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Episode 27 Informational Interviews

On this episode we’ll talk about informational interviews. I never really knew what informational interviews were until I had done a few dozen of them. Now I wish I could have gone back in time in told my younger self “DO THIS DAVE! IT’LL CHANGE YOUR STUDENT AFFAIRS CAREER!” Alas, I cannot. But I do advise all student affairs professionals to conduct informational interviews as frequently as they can.

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Episode 26 Institutional Fit

On this episode we’ll talk about intuitional fit and determining if this institution is “the right one for you.” Many entry level student affairs professionals conduct their first major job search right when their graduate programs are ending. That can be a stressful time. They need to finish their courses, search for job postings, and then prepare for their first round and final round interviews.

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Episode 25 Preparing for the Final Round Interview

On this episode we’ll talk about 4 steps to navigating the final round student affairs interview. The final round student affairs interview is the culmination of your long search process. You’ve successfully navigated past the 1st round phone screen; you’ve spoken to the hiring manager and select members of the committee. Now you’re at that critical stage: the final round interview.

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Episode 24 Before you Apply: Student Affairs Salary Negotiation

On this episode we’ll talk about how to address salary questions in the student affairs job search BEFORE you even apply. Some of the most common questions asked during the student affairs job search revolves around salary, compensation, and negotiation. These are all important questions to ask, but they are often subjects that come up too late in the job search.

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Episode 23 How to answer the question “What do you do?”

On this episode we’ll talk about how to answer the question “What do you do?” If you’re in between jobs, currently looking, or about to graduate from your grad program it’s hard to answer the question “what do you do?” Of course this is easier when you’re in the company of friends or other student affairs professionals. These are colleagues that you can relate and emote with. However answering this question for those outside of higher education can be a bit challenging.

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Episode 22 Mastering Your Student Affairs Career

On this episode we’ll talk about Mastering Your Student Affairs Career. Many student affairs professionals think that they need to keep jumping from job to job to move up in their careers. This is true for the most part. At some point you will master your position at your institution and there won’t be any more challenges. At that point it makes logical and professional sense to move on and find a new role.

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Episode 20 Rejected: A Student Affairs Response

On this episode we’ll talk about being rejected in the student affairs job search. Let’s face it: no one wants to be rejected. Rejection has all of those really negative icky feelings: remorse, jealously, and anger to name a few. But rejection is a part of the student affairs job search. There are just too few positions out there with too many people who are looking.

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Episode 18 Why do you want to work here?

On this episode we’ll talk about How to answer question “Why do you want to work here?So…. Why do you want to work here? For many job seekers this is going to be the inevitable first question. Seems pretty simple right? You should just respond “Because you have an opening and I need a job.” Right? Wrong.

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Episode 17 Got Ghosted?

Can you hear the silence? It’s deafening. You’ve been ghosted. You completed the phone interview, the web interview, and the campus interview. They said that they’d get back to you in one week. It’s been three. You’ve. Heard. Nothing. You may think that this means you’re a failure. Really… you’re not. You made it this far. How many other candidates can say the same thing? One? Two? (maybe). But actually “Ghosting” (when an employer abruptly stops responding to a candidate) is pretty common.

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Episode 16 Internal Candidates

On today’s show we’ll talk about competing against internal candidates. Have you ever gotten the response: “We’ve gone with the internal candidate. The nerve! Can you believe this? You just spent the last month carefully researching this role, the institution, and the responsibilities of the job! ….and they just selected someone who already works there! What a waste!

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Episode 14 Your Greatest Weakness

On today’s show we’ll talk about the interview question “tell me about your greatest weakness?” If you’ve been on any interview in the past, then you know what it’s like to be bombarded by a slew of questions. One of the most challenging ones is: “tell me about your greatest weakness.” This can be a difficult question to answer for some.

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Episode 13 Final Round Interview

The final round student affairs interview is the culmination of your long search process. You’ve successfully navigated past the 1st round phone screen. You’ve spoken to the hiring manager and select members of the committee. Now you’re at that critical stage: the final round interview. Deep down you’re panicking. But you don’t have to. Thousands of student affairs professionals are in the same place right now. They are all finalists in their job searches. However, only a few will be selected to receive the offer. Navigating the final round student affairs interview can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be.

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Episode 12 What is an on campus interview?

On today’s show we’ll talk about the on-campus interview. What is an on-campus interview? So you’ve sent in your application, you’ve gotten a response, and you’ve connected with the hiring manger over the phone. Great! You’ve gotten past the first round of the student affairs interview! They even said that they would get back to you within a week. Surprise! They got back to you the next day! They want you to come to campus to meet everyone else! You’re at critical time in the student affairs job search. The on-campus interview!

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