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Episode 5 Network like a Pro

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Network like a Pro

Hi and welcome to the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr.

I’m your host Dave Eng from the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr.

On the student affairs job search we dive deeply into the steps needed to move forward in our careers.

Find out more at

On today’s show we’ll talk about learning how to network like a student affairs professional.

Networking in student affairs can be really difficult.

Especially if you’re a new professional and haven’t done any networking before.

Earlier in my career I viewed networking as merely “professional schmoozing.”

It was something that I didn’t really care for.

I felt this way for several years.

That is, until it took me some time to get a hang for it at different events, conferences, and presentations.

Then after a few more years, it clicked.

Now I really understand the value of good networking.

A great network can open doors and opportunities that aren’t available to others.

Every job I’ve had in student affairs has been due to networking.

Every reference I give and receive is based on my network.

In a field as social as student affairs, networking isn’t everything.

Sometimes it’s the ONLY thing that separates you between the job that you have and the job you want.

I’ve gotten a lot of a value out of networking.

That’s lead to certain conclusions that I’ve developed over my years in the field.

I hope that you can use these tips to your advantage throughout your career.

Eye contact is the secret way in

Making eye contact can be really difficult.

Especially if you don’t like public speaking, networking, or if you’re introverted.

But, eye contact is a great way of creating and maintaining a personal connection.

Eye contact can also give you some subtle context clues about other people.

Eye contact is important if you ever get to the stage in your group where someone (hopefully yourself) has told some awesomely funny joke or anecdote.

At that point when you (and hopefully the rest of the group) are laughing; take a look around and see who everyone else is looking at.

When we laugh we tend to make eye contact with the person that we’re closest with.

In a professional setting that can mean the director of an office makes eye contact with their favorite direct report.

In a panel interview that can demonstrate who on the search committee has the strongest ties.

You can use this information to determine where the real power relationships lie.

Pro tip: it doesn’t always reflect what’s on the org chart.

Now let’s cover using Favors as currency

Some people view favors as unseemly.

But they are actually a great way to network and rely on the expertise of others when you need them most.

But they don’t work the way people think they work.

Favors work best when YOU request it.

I know, that’s wild.

But the psychology behind this is that when you ask someone to do a favor for you they have to mentally justify WHY they are doing that favor.

Often this is because it requires effort on their part.

But they will go through the mental gymnastics of why they are doing this.

And in that process they come to the conclusion that it’s “because they like you.”

Capitalize on that and use it to your advantage.

Silence is golden.

Silence can be used to great effect in conversations.

Sometimes that comes up when discussing something critical with a supervisor.

Perhaps you need to have a difficult meeting with a student.

Oftentimes new professionals will try to fill the air with as many words as possible in order to stymie the negative feelings of the conversation.

Try moving in the opposite direction.

Try silence.

Moments of purposeful silence can be used to get the other person to speak if there is nothing happening in the conversation.

You can use this to your advantage in salary negotiations when the first offer is made.

Most of the time, student affairs professionals jump at the first offer.

But responding with a few moments of silence after the number is spoken could put you in a better bargaining position.

Sometimes you’ll need to build consensus during a meeting or a conversation.

Sometimes you’ll need to win someone over to your side.

This can often be accomplished with great dialogue and debate.

But sometimes, you’ll need a little extra to push you over the edge.

Try nodding when making your point during a conversation.

This often helps other people agree with your point if they are resistant or disagree.

But, by nodding your head, you are making a physical action.

People like to physically mirror the people that they are speaking with.

When they see you nodding, they’ll also be compelled to nod.

That is something that you can use to your advantage in order to bring them over to your side.

Nodding your head during a conversation or when asking a question makes the other person more likely to agree with what you're saying.

Now, here’s one of my favorite tricks.

Do this at your next conference or networking event.

Pay attention to people’s feet.

Especially when they are in small groups with one another.

People’s feet tell you more about their intention and disposition than anything else.

Next time you’re at a conference, event, or symposium: look at peoples’ feet.

Where are they pointed? If they are pointed at you then they are engaged in the conversation and want to continue.

Is their head and shoulders still pointed at your but their feet are pointed somewhere else?

That means that they are disengaged and are trying to leave.

Knowing this helps you determine who is the most engaged in your group and where you can bring the conversation further.

Here are some closing thoughts.

Networking can be tough for many student affairs professionals.

But with these tips and tricks, you can develop the confidence necessary to expand your network and develop ways to engage with your new contacts.

I hope you found this episode useful.

If you’d like some additional tips on your search then a great place to start is my eBook “Getting Started in your Student Affairs Job Search.”

You can download it for free at started

You can also get a full transcript of this episode including links to references in the description or show notes.

Thanks for joining me!

Again, I’m your host Dave Eng from the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr.

On the student affairs job search we dive deeply into the steps needed to move forward in our careers.

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Happy searching!


Bradberry, T. (2019, February 26). Ten Harmless Mind Tricks That Make People Like You. Retrieved May 21, 2019, from