Blog from the Job Hakr: Student Affairs Job Search

Blog from the Job Hakr: Student Affairs Job Search


Posts tagged On Campus Interview
Pivot during the interview

This article builds on what is covered in the preparing for the on campus interview article and what is included your briefing book. This article covers a startling revelation about interviewers that took me years to discover. It also reviews the differences between answering and responding to interview questions. Finally pivoting and weaving during your interview is reviewed in detail.

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How to study for the interview

This article builds on what is covered in the preparing for the on campus interview article and what is included your briefing book. This article will cover specific strategies that you should employ when studying for your upcoming interview. It includes reviewing major themes that emerged from your research; lingering questions; chunking your time; and active reflection.

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Align with the Job

This article will review the positional alignment section of the briefing book preparation process for the on-campus interview. We will review what the positional alignment is and how well it informs how you would fit into this role.  The positional alignment chart includes four columns: responsibilities, excitement level, experiences, and the summary. This article will review each column in depth as well as how you should prepare your own positional alignment chart. Finally, we will close on how to use the positional alignment chart as part of your briefing book interview preparation process.

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What is an on-campus interview?

This article will examine what the on-campus interview is and why you’re here. This is a high stakes position that you’re in. How you do from here willdetermine if you’ll receive an offer or be rejected. This article outlines the structure of the on-campus interview as well as research tips and preparation for representing yourself as the best candidate for the position.

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Middle of the Search

The student affairs job search is a long one. On average it takes 119 days. That length can be very challenging; especially if you’ve never participated in a higher education job search before. That’s why it’s helpful to breakdown the specific stages of the job search. This makes each part more manageable. Breaking it down also makes it easier to focus. Examining the search in stages also allows you to dedicate your time and energy to the right areas. This article will address the period of time that ALL student affairs job seekers find themselves in at one point or another: the middle of the search.

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Did you nail the interview?

Many enter the student affairs interview not knowing if it’ll end in their favor. Though there are certain magical times when they do.  That’s when the interview feels less formal and more casual. It feels less like an interview and more like a conversation. In fact it feels like you are having a good time with some future new colleagues. That’s when you know your interview went well. Here are some great signs that you’ve nailed your student affairs interview.

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Five things to bring to an On-Campus Student Affairs Interview

The on-campus interview for student affairs professionals can be a tough one. The entire interview process is already long. But now you’re tasked with making sure that you are the best candidate that sticks out from their list of on-campus finalists. Much preparation goes into what you should do to prepare for the on-campus interview. But, not many people talk about WHAT you should bring to your on-campus interview.

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