
How to keep your confidence through a long job search

How to keep your confidence through a long job search

How to keep your confidence through a long job search

How to keep your confidence through a long job search

By Emilie Aries

August 26, 2020

Originally Published Here


Today I want to speak directly to job seekers who are feeling understandably vulnerable and beleaguered by the uncertainty that is innate to every job search, but feels especially relevant right now.

For as strong of a hiring market as we're in right now, your job search process can still feel like it's moving at a glacial pace.

If you get passed over for a job you had your heart set on, lean into the discomfort with an open mind and ask for feedback from the hiring manager(s) to see what you can learn from this experience for the next time.

Whether you're job-searching full-time from home or scrolling through job postings with every free moment you can find at your 9-to-5, scheduling your time helps you set healthy boundaries.

So when you're not feeling forward movement in a drawn-out job search, take the reins and make progress and learning a priority that happens elsewhere in your life.

Crush It. Dealing with the emotional uncertainty of a long job search can chip away at your confidence in troubling ways.

What makes you feel a sense of mastery? What do you know you're great at? Karaoke night? Tutoring students? Painting? Pottery? Helping others as a volunteer? When your confidence is feeling shaky in other areas of your life, remind yourself you've got what it takes to master a new skill by crushin' it at something you've been practicing for a lot longer.

Growing your network can feel like an amorphous effort that you can never really check off your job search To Do list.

How many outreach messages do you want to send each week? How many one-on-one meetings or phone calls are you aiming to tackle each week? How many networking events are you committing to show up to each month?

Keep these strategies in mind when you're not just looking for any job, but the right one.


Aries, E. (2020, August 26). How to keep your confidence through a long job search. Retrieved August 28, 2020, from