
The importance of cultivating a positive mind-set on the job market today (opinion)

The importance of cultivating a positive mind-set on the job market today (opinion)

The importance of cultivating a positive mind-set on the job market today (opinion)

The importance of cultivating a positive mind-set on the job market today (opinion)

By Daniel J. Moglen

September 28, 2020

Originally Published Here


Not having enough money while doing the job search, looking for a job while navigating visas and work permits, looking for a job in a pandemic, having to move/relocate - these were some of the additions they made to the comments section.

We can learn plenty from concepts and models from the field of positive psychology and apply those concepts to the job search.

I'll present three concepts and then provide some concrete actions you can take to infuse positivity into your job search.

Are you primarily stuck in negative emotions around the job search? You can find out by taking the positivity ratio self-test.

If you are able to infuse positivity into the job search with more frequency and intensity, you'll be more likely to ride the waves of uncertainty onto the shore of a new career.

Affirmations are a great way to introduce positivity into your job search.

What does it feel like to find a job posting that resonates? What is the feeling of finding out you got an interview? Dwell on the positive moments in your job search as they arise.


Moglen, D. J. (2020, September 28). Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved October 01, 2020, from