
How Older Workers Can Get A Job In 2021

How Older Workers Can Get A Job In 2021

How Older Workers Can Get A Job In 2021

How Older Workers Can Get A Job In 2021

ByNancy Collamer

November 02, 2020

Originally Published Here


What strategies did job seekers and gig workers use that can help you find employment in 2021?

To help answer that question, I asked five of my career coaching colleagues to reflect on their clients' winning job search tactics from 2020.

Job referrals and contacts have long been the key to job search success.

In the virtual world of pandemic job hunting, it's especially critical to find new ways to regularly connect and engage with your network.

During a difficult job market, it's tempting to convince yourself that you can ride out a bad job situation.

If your gut tells you that your job or employer is heading south, trust your instincts and get to work to find work.

Sarah Johnston, a job search strategist in Durham, N.C., worked with a 56-year-old marketing executive who had enjoyed a long and successful career with his firm and planned to retire from it.

"The hardest part of the entire job search process for him was being vulnerable to his network," said Johnston.

Marc Miller, founder of based in Austin, Texas and a Next Avenue Influencer in Aging, shared the story of one of his clients, age 62, who found a job this year by doing just that.

In your email, mention that normally you would have treated the person to an in-person coffee, but since you can't do that right now, you'd like to treat them to a coffee or breakfast sandwich over a virtual coffee instead. "Of course, if you're job hunting this can get expensive," said Feldman.


Collamer, N. (2020, November 02). How Older Workers Can Get A Job In 2021. Retrieved November 03, 2020, from