
What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job: 12 Tips

What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job: 12 Tips

What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job: 12 Tips

What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job: 12 Tips

By Jennifer Parris

October 28, 2020

Originally Published Here


Despite your best efforts, for some reason you can't find a job.

Here are several tips on what to do when you can't find a job.

We're not talking about ditching your job search entirely, or taking a months-long break.

No, what we mean is that you've been trying to find a job for so long that at this point you're probably burned out from the entire ordeal.

"It's OK to take some time off from your job search once in a while," says Toni Frana, one of FlexJobs' expert career coaches.

"Allow yourself a day or a few days off and spend that time doing something that energizes you and makes you happy, and reflect on what's going well in your search. Afterwards, you'll find you'll be able to get back to your job search with a renewed sense of energy and purpose."

Some people will move to a different city, state or country in order to find a job in their field.

If you can't find a job because you need to boost your skill set, consider going back to school or finding online resources to gain the skills you need.

It's easy to feel defeated if you've been job searching for a long time, and your result has been a big "Nada." There might be a chance that you're no longer putting all your best effort into each and every job application you submit.

"Just like taking a break from your job search is important, so is having the right mindset. It is hard to be a job seeker, applying for many jobs and possibly not hearing back from employers," says Frana.


Parris, J. (2020, October 28). What to Do When You Can't Find a Job: 12 Tips. Retrieved October 30, 2020, from