
7 Reasons You’re Not Landing That Online Interview

7 Reasons You’re Not Landing That Online Interview

7 Reasons You’re Not Landing That Online Interview

7 Reasons You’re Not Landing That Online Interview

Originally Published Here


To finally land the online interview you’ve been hoping for, stop making these 7 mistakes during your remote job hunt and use our pro tips to stand out instead.

Like we mentioned earlier, hiring teams are swamped with applications. So most recruitment experts use applicant tracking systems to help sift through the stack of hopefuls.

You’re Not Using Resume Real Estate Wisely

When hiring teams do their initial scan of your resume, their eyes spend most of this brief window on the top third.

Your Career History Is a Snoozefest

Okay, let’s say you nail the top third of your resume and pack this area with valuable intel.

It’s All About You and What You Want

Many applicants assume their resume only exists to show off why they’re qualified for the job.

You Haven’t Shown Remote Work Experience

It’s easy for those already working remotely to highlight their remote work experience.

You Have a Nonexistent Professional Online Presence

Fact: When hiring teams are interested and curious to learn more about you, they’re going to Google your name.

You’re Not Fast Enough

If you’re finding and applying for jobs you’re the perfect fit for, but fail to score an interview, you may just have a timing issue.

Time to Finally Land that Online Interview

Follow today’s tips, and you’ll avoid the most common remote job search mistakes. You’ll score more networking and online interview opportunities than your inbox can handle.


7 Reasons You're Not Landing That Online Interview.(n.d.). Retrieved October 28, 2020, from