
How to create self-leadership in your career and life

How to create self-leadership in your career and life

How to create self-leadership in your career and life

How to create self-leadership in your career and life

By  Debbie Peterson

October 18, 2020

Originally Published Here


You've made intentional decisions throughout your career about the positions you've applied for, the people that you work for and with, and the projects to which you volunteer your time.

You have a career goal, and you know what you're moving toward.

When you put thought into what is meaningful in your career and how you want to show up and contribute, and then take actionable steps in that direction, that is, self-leadership.

You may work for someone else, but you own your career.

The first step to becoming a leader in your career is to decide.

What do you do after that? How do you continue to increase your self-leadership in your career and life?

To own your career, you have to know what it is that you are moving toward; have a career plan.

Are there jobs that you'd like to explore? Skills that you'd like to acquire? People that you'd like to shadow? Career development is very much like an exploration, and you are in charge of what you explore.

Simply put, how can you put processes in place that help you to be accountable to yourself, your goals in your career and life, and help you show up in a more proactive way to lead you to what you want?

Debbie Peterson, of Getting to Clarity in Erie, is a keynote speaker, career mentor and mastermind host advancing and supporting women and emerging leaders in business.


Peterson, D. (2020, October 18). Debbie Peterson: How to create self-leadership in your career and life. Retrieved October 25, 2020, from