
Lessons from making a big career change during COVID-19

Lessons from making a big career change during COVID-19

Lessons from making a big career change during COVID-19

Lessons from making a big career change during COVID-19

By Erin Lantz

July 23, 2020

Originally Published Here


 I made a major career change during the largest pandemic in history.

During the process we connected on a variety of expected topics, with a heavy emphasis on leadership style, management philosophy, and experience scaling organizations.

For people navigating career moves in this pandemic, the real change isn't in process, but in mindset.

No matter what has informed your decision to make a career shift during this intense period, there are a few things to keep in mind that I found helpful.

Some industries are busier than ever and need to keep up with new demands.

New opportunities are emerging in unlikely places as the pandemic has accelerated the timeline for adopting and implementing new technology and business practices.

You may be exactly what a company's been looking for, in an industry you never considered part of your career path before.

As a relationship-oriented person by nature, the idea of not just interviewing for but actually accepting and starting a new job in a new city during a quarantine seemed risky.

Companies are also being forced to change their own mindsets around remote work, and this, for one, widens the talent pool considerably.

Intense periods of change can be intimidating, but seizing new opportunities amidst that turbulence sets you up well to adapt to and thrive in whatever "Normal" becomes.


Lantz, E. (2020, July 23). 3 lessons I learned from making a big career change during the pandemic. Retrieved July 28, 2020, from