
How The Pandemic Has Changed The Way We Hire & Look For Jobs

How The Pandemic Has Changed The Way We Hire & Look For Jobs

How The Pandemic Has Changed The Way We Hire & Look For Jobs

How The Pandemic Has Changed The Way We Hire & Look For Jobs

By Victoria Carodine

December 15, 2020

Originally Published Here


As social distancing became a necessity, so virtual networking and job interviewing, altering the business landscape now-and likely for years to come.

Job interviews, as painful as they might be, are a necessary evil.

In the time of COVID-19, do online meet-and-greets translate effectively? In a 2020 survey conducted by Jobvite, a job recruiting platform, more than 800 companies and job recruiting agencies were asked what challenges they faced in hiring and how hiring priorities and practices have changed this year.

Jason Berkowitz, a Coloradan who works in customer success for Jobvite and has 20 years of experience in the job recruiting industry, says that 2020 stands apart when it comes to fluctuating job trends and hiring practices.

For people who couldn't find a job in 2020, what's the most effective way for them to job search in 2021?From a job-seeker perspective, I always encourage people to take a two-phase approach, so you have to go through the exercise of traditional online job searching-find a job posting, submit your resume, fill out an application online, etc.

You have to send a lot of resumes to get a job in this type of market, but the resume plus a word from somebody in the company will go a long way.

What questions are job candidates asking of prospective employers that rarely came up in the Before Times?A lot more questions that never came up before are centered around flexibility-flexibility with having children and childcare.


Carodine, V. (2020, December 15). How the Pandemic Has Changed the Way We Hire & Look for Jobs. Retrieved December 22, 2020, from