
The Student Affairs Job Search Podcast

Posts tagged final round
Episode 25 Preparing for the Final Round Interview

On this episode we’ll talk about 4 steps to navigating the final round student affairs interview. The final round student affairs interview is the culmination of your long search process. You’ve successfully navigated past the 1st round phone screen; you’ve spoken to the hiring manager and select members of the committee. Now you’re at that critical stage: the final round interview.

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Episode 13 Final Round Interview

The final round student affairs interview is the culmination of your long search process. You’ve successfully navigated past the 1st round phone screen. You’ve spoken to the hiring manager and select members of the committee. Now you’re at that critical stage: the final round interview. Deep down you’re panicking. But you don’t have to. Thousands of student affairs professionals are in the same place right now. They are all finalists in their job searches. However, only a few will be selected to receive the offer. Navigating the final round student affairs interview can be tough. But it doesn’t have to be.

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