
Job hunting: how to prepare for a job search

Job hunting: how to prepare for a job search

Job hunting: how to prepare for a job search

Job hunting: how to prepare for a job search

By Cyan Turan

September 7, 2020

Originally Published Here


The job market is tougher than it's been in a long time.

If you've lost your job, or are one of the many recent graduates now entering the world of work, you might be job hunting right now.

Before you do fire out CVs and apply for every job going, we asked psychologist Fiona Murden to give some tips on how to get yourself in the mindset for the hunt.

Job hunting - Tell everyone you're looking for a jobAnd I mean absolutely every person you know or meet.

Job hunting - The dream job can waitThe first job doesn't have to be the right one - in this market, and to begin with, it's just about getting yourself into a work environment and bringing some money in.

If you can do a job you don't necessarily love for a little while, you'll buy some time for the market to recover and there might be more jobs out there that are better suited to you when you next start searching.

Plus, once you've got a job, it's much easier to get your next.

Job hunting - Do somethingIf you can't find any work at all, volunteer; it'll give you a sense of purpose and help you learn skills you can take to paid employment and lead to other opportunities.

Job hunting - Remember: now isn't alwaysPsychologically, we believe that the way things are right now is how they're always going to be, but things will change.

Job hunting - Find supportTo develop emotional resilience, you need sleep, self-awareness, and social support.


Turan, C. (2020, September 07). If you're job hunting right now, here's how to prepare. Retrieved September 08, 2020, from