
Posts tagged job search
3 tips for finding a new job in 2021

Really thinking about the job you want and why you want it will help you determine how hard you are willing to work to get it. Women typically need to feel confident that they can do every aspect of a job before applying for it. I recommend adding structure to your day by thinking of the job search as a personal project.

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How to cope with post-grad job search depression

Many graduates have been searching in vain for their dream job during the COVID crisis - if this sounds like you, then you may slowly feel anxiety, pessimism, or depression creeping in. It's easy to get lost in these feelings when you graduate and are unemployed, but it's important that you do not lose your sense of self when you're having difficulty landing a job.

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Students reflect on job search process in virtual world

Despite the slowdown that many saw in their day-to-day lives during quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing that remains constant is the search for jobs and internships among Yale students. In the face of a process that can be daunting at times, students - both enrolled and unenrolled - are taking changes to internship applications, interviews and responsibilities in stride.

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