
Job Search Tips Every Military Veteran Should Know

Job Search Tips Every Military Veteran Should Know

Job Search Tips Every Military Veteran Should Know

Job Search Tips Every Military Veteran Should Know

By Julia Pollak

November 10, 2020

Originally Published Here


Some of that time is spent around military service members who are just months away from separating from the military or retiring.

Here are the most common job search questions they ask me, and the top tips every military veteran or soon-to-be veteran should know.

The best way to find a job these days is to use the top-rated job search sites: ZipRecruiter.

A: Your military experience counts as work experience! Learn how to describe it in ways civilian employers can understand.

Service members often tell me they're worried about the job search because they "Have no work experience." And then I learn that they have been active-duty service members for 12 years, supervised dozens of junior personnel, earned numerous military awards, and used their military education benefits to complete multiple professional certifications.

Can help you translate your professional military training into job skills civilian employers want.

Several online Military Skills Translators do so for a wider range of military skills.

Be sure to describe even your more technical skills using the terms civilian employers commonly use in job postings, not military jargon.

Veterans do tend to get civilian jobs in occupations related to their military experience-and they tend to.

Many service members underestimate the costs of housing, healthcare, and other expenses which the military provides, but which civilians typically pay for out of pocket.


Pollak, J. (2020, November 10). Job Search Tips Every Military Veteran Should Know. Retrieved November 16, 2020, from