
3 tips for finding a new job in 2021

3 tips for finding a new job in 2021

3 tips for finding a new job in 2021

3 tips for finding a new job in 2021

By Carolyn Crandall

Decemebr 23, 2020

Originally Published Here


Really thinking about the job you want and why you want it will help you determine how hard you are willing to work to get it.

Women typically need to feel confident that they can do every aspect of a job before applying for it.

I recommend adding structure to your day by thinking of the job search as a personal project.

Create a schedule and come up with rituals, like setting aside certain hours of the day specifically for job searching, updating your résumé and LinkedIn profile, or acquiring new skills or certifications.

An interview is a two-way process, and you are interviewing them as much as they are interviewing you.

I once had an interview where the minute that I hit the parking lot, I called the recruiter and simply said, this job is simply not right for me.

Remember why you want the job and let that be your guiding light to seek out the positions you want.


Crandall, C. (2020, December 23). 3 tips for finding a new job in 2021. Retrieved January 06, 2021, from