
What Really Happens When You Bring Politics To The Job Search And Office

What Really Happens When You Bring Politics To The Job Search And Office

What Really Happens When You Bring Politics To The Job Search And Office

What Really Happens When You Bring Politics To The Job Search And Office

By Jack Kelly

October 19, 2020

Originally Published Here


Cable news, papers, social media and dinner conversations invariably turn toward the political hot topic of the day-accompanied by acrimony and arguments.

Armstrong bluntly said that he'd gladly offer severance packages to employees who aren't comfortable with the new corporate policy of "Political neutrality" in the workplace.

Job seekers seem comfortable putting their political activities on their résumés and LinkedIn profiles.

Job hunters have the right to campaign and vote for whomever they desire, but you must recognize the reality that at least half of the people you'll interview with won't share your political views.

You are taking a big risk of alienating people when you promote your political preferences.

If a job seeker posts mean-spirited, angry and foul-language-laced comments and photos that could possibly be construed as suggesting violence against their political adversary, it will be viewed with disdain and disgust.

They'll question whether your politics or job is more important.

Again, both sides-the people agreeing with your political stance and those who don't share your views-will not feel comfortable hiring someone who would rather preach their politics than do the work that they are getting paid to do.

It's the American way to be passionate about politics and fight for your preferred political party.

Save the political arguments for the dinner table or when you're out with friends.


Kelly, J. (2020, October 19). What Really Happens When You Bring Politics To The Job Search And Office. Retrieved October 25, 2020, from