
How to cope with post-grad job search depression

How to cope with post-grad job search depression

How to cope with post-grad job search depression

How to cope with post-grad job search depression

Steven Rothberg

December 15, 2020

Originally Published Here


Many graduates have been searching in vain for their dream job during the COVID crisis - if this sounds like you, then you may slowly feel anxiety, pessimism, or depression creeping in.

It's easy to get lost in these feelings when you graduate and are unemployed, but it's important that you do not lose your sense of self when you're having difficulty landing a job.

To help you keep your head up, here are some tips on what you can do to prevent depression when looking for a job after graduation.

If you're a recent college graduate, you've likely been feeling the frustration of entering the job market during one of the most tumultuous times in recent years.

Accepting your grief is an important part of working past your job search frustrations.

According to Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, a Harvard-trained psychologist, " can cause a negative feedback loop, where decreased productivity leads to poorer job search performance and undesirable outcomes in the future.

Struggling to find a job can make you angry, sad, or anxious, but if you follow a regular meditation regime, you can rid yourself of anxiety and develop resilience and confidence in finding a job.

One of the factors that makes the lengthy job search so depressing is that so much of it is out of your control.

While job searching straight out of college can be a frustrating process, you can mitigate your frustrations and learn to cope with your anxiety by taking an intentional, mindful approach to your job search.

Michaela Wong is a content creator who helps Resume Now create insightful career development articles on topics like job search depression


Rothberg, S. (2020, December 15). How to cope with post-grad job search depression. Retrieved December 19, 2020, from