
5 Considerations for Employee Benefits After COVID-19

5 Considerations for Employee Benefits After COVID-19

5 Considerations for Employee Benefits After COVID-19

5 Considerations for Employee Benefits After COVID-19

 Meghan M. Biro

December 10, 2020

Originally Published Here


Policies and plans have been stretched to the limit, both in terms of health-related and non-health related employee benefits.

Those benefits are a big factor when it comes to where people want to work; prioritizing employee well-being by providing employee benefits that count is a must-do, and that's not going to change post-pandemic.

73% of respondents in a recent Prudential Financial survey said benefits programs are a big reason they would stay at a job - up from 59% a year ago.

In case you need an even clearer sign: 52% of those surveyed said they would leave their current job and take a chance on a new one if it offered better employee benefits.

Providing mental health benefits shouldn't be an option, but a requirement at this point.

As part of the employee benefits package, burnout prevention might look like a combination of communication, training, feedback and flexibility.

In keeping with the notion that benefits should meet the needs of employees and not the other way around, we need to provide specific benefits for managers, too.

Build a suite of benefits specifically for managers that include additional personal or emergency days, and the kinds of rewards and recognitions that help them feel valued.

A major global study of millennial employees - which is now the largest generation in the workforce - found that 35% say training and development programs are among the top benefits they look for in employers.

The third item is recognition, which isn't a matter of benefits now - it's a matter of work culture.


Biro, M. M. (2020, December 10). 5 Considerations for Employee Benefits After COVID-19. Retrieved December 19, 2020, from