
5 Tips To Find And Land A New Job In 2021

5 Tips To Find And Land A New Job In 2021

5 Tips To Find And Land A New Job In 2021

5 Tips To Find And Land A New Job In 2021

Ashley Stahl

December 14, 2020

Originally Published Here


Sutherland-Wong offered some excellent advice for those looking to make a change to their professional life during this uncertain time, and this inspired me to put together 5 tips for job hunting in 2021.

A major takeaway from my conversation with Sutherland-Wong was that those entering the job search in 2021 should expect issues of diversity, equity and inclusion to have a growing role in hiring and in company policies moving forward.

Job Hunting Tip: Do your research using Glassdoor's new DEI tools to ensure that you are directing your job search toward companies that align with your values, and that provide an equitable and inclusive work environment.

So whether you're looking for an entry-level job in systems technology, or you're a high-level marketing exec, e-commerce is a great space to direct your job search.

Exploring these questions may yield an answer in the form of seeking a new job or a larger career change, or it may even look like pivoting to a different role at your current company.

Job Hunt Tip: Do a deep dive with difficult questions to explore if you are not happy in your current job or career.

 Don't be afraid to job hunt if it's time for something new.

While the pandemic has certainly created economic setbacks that might make a job search seem daunting, Sutherland-Wong points out that remote work has also created a tremendous amount of new opportunities for job seekers.

These new remote jobs offer candidates the opportunity to greatly expand their job search, no longer limited by geography.

Job Hunt Tip: Don't let the uncertainty of the post-Covid economy stop you from starting your job search.


Stahl, A. (2020, December 14). 5 Tips To Find And Land A New Job In 2021. Retrieved December 19, 2020, from