
How to Be Yourself and Get the Job

How to Be Yourself and Get the Job

How to Be Yourself and Get the Job

How to Be Yourself and Get the Job

By Jen Hubley Luckwaldt

September 11, 2020

Originally Published Here


In part because behaving inauthentically raised the entrepreneurs’ anxiety levels and presented them as manipulative. However, being authentic in job interviews and career choices generally is not the same thing as being your unvarnished self. The key to balancing authenticity while maintaining a professional demeanor is to connect with your values and passions and then present yourself in the best light possible.

What Is Authenticity? 

In the context of your career, being yourself is less about letting it all hang out and more about knowing what’s important to you. This means developing a deep understanding of your values and goals, and then figuring out the best way to achieve them. To act authentically in a professional setting, you must also learn how to communicate your goals and skillsets in a way that others can understand. It means being honest when you do share information and being sure that your actions align with your values and goals.

Here are the keys to being your authentic self in a professional setting.

Know What’s Important to You

Maybe you thought a brand-name employer was essential to your success, only to discover that the corporate culture was incompatible with the life you want.

Know Your Strengths

To succeed, you must be able to market yourself to the employer and demonstrate how you’ll solve their problems, achieve their goals, and build greater success.


Luckwaldt, J. (2020, September 11). How to Be Yourself and Get the Job. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from