
Job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic: It’s dismal.

Job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic: It’s dismal.

Job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic: It’s dismal.

Job hunting during the coronavirus pandemic: It’s dismal.

By Alison Green

April 5, 2020

Originally Published Here


With layoffs climbing into the millions, workers are being abandoned in an economy where, in many fields, it feels impossible to find a job anytime soon.

I started Ask a Manager in 2007, right before the 2008 recession hit, so for years my inbox was full of questions from frustrated, desperate job seekers.

The distraught hiring manager called to tell me they have a hiring freeze, everything is on hold, and there's no telling when or if they'll move forward with the job.

Even worse off are the people who accepted job offers-and quit their current jobs-only to then find out the new job has been put on hold due to layoffs, a hiring freeze, or overall uncertainty.

I left my full-time job at the beginning of March for a great offer at a company I was excited to join.

I planned to take a few weeks off before starting my new job.

My new employer has been hard hit, and my job with them has been put on hold indefinitely.

I just graduated from graduate school with a load of debt and I just moved into a new apartment in my dream city, with my dream job.

If you can't avoid a job search right now because you're unemployed, don't be surprised if hiring processes are slow or full of false starts.

If you're in a position to help others-with references, job leads, or contacts-be as generous as you can.


Green, A. (2020, April 5). Can You Even Job Search Right Now? Retrieved April 6, 2020, from