
How To Navigate Job Hunting During A Period Of Layoffs And Extreme Unemployment

How To Navigate Job Hunting During A Period Of Layoffs And Extreme Unemployment

How To Navigate Job Hunting During A Period Of Layoffs And Extreme Unemployment

How To Navigate Job Hunting During A Period Of Layoffs And Extreme Unemployment

By Mark Hall

April 5, 2020

Originally Published Here


As more small businesses shutter during this period of uncertainty, it will be critical for impacted workers to identify all the best practices and approaches for finding the next job opportunity.

Because today's reality makes this discussion much more amplified, it's worth adding more tactical guidance to this discussion by outlining some do's and don'ts for job hunters who are facing questions about what to do.

Diversify the types of companies and industries you are job searching in, regardless of your prior experience or skills.

This will protect you from losing all your job prospects in the event that one particular industry struggles during your search.

Try to make upward leaps in job scope and responsibility if you aren't moderately qualified for the job.

Taking this risk could increase the likelihood you don't last in that job and may put you right back to where you are now.

No candidate is too attractive to not leverage job boards.

Google, LinkedIn Monster, Craigslist, and other platforms should all be sources for your job search.

Don't take a job that requires relocation or drastic change in your lifestyle unless you will be fully compensated for any and all relevant expenses.

Being proactive and energetically searching for your next career is the only sensible thing to do if you are without a job or nearing that point.


Hall, M. (2020, April 5). How To Navigate Job Hunting During A Period Of Layoffs And Extreme Unemployment. Retrieved April 6, 2020, from