
How to Look for a New Job While You Are Furloughed

How to Look for a New Job While You Are Furloughed

How to Look for a New Job While You Are Furloughed

How to Look for a New Job While You Are Furloughed

By Alison Doyle

May 14, 2020

Originally Published Here


According to the Economic Policy Institute, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic could result in employers cutting nearly 20 million employees by July 2020. Some, like Uber and Boeing, have either terminated workers outright or offered buyout packages.  Others, like Walt Disney World and Marriott, have placed employees on furlough, with the intention of bringing them back when market conditions stabilize. 

Determine Your Skill Sets

If you had to list your skill sets, could you? If it’s been a while since you’ve looked for a job, you might have some trouble.

Know What You Have to Offer

When you’re preparing for job interviews, it sometimes helps to think about the problems the hiring manager is trying to solve.

Position Yourself for Success

To maximize your chances of landing a new job, take a multi-pronged approach.

Best Job Resources

The best job search plan is one that doesn’t focus on one resource alone.

Sharpen Your Interview Skills

Especially if it’s been a while since you went on a job interview, now is a good time to sharpen your technique.

Remember that presentation is important.

Stay Positive

Even during economic downturns, companies hire new employees.


Doyle, A. (2020, May 14). Tips for Looking for a New Job While You're Furloughed. Retrieved May 20, 2020, from