
Posts in coronavirus
20-Somethings' Job Searching In The Global Crisis: What Matters Most Now

Even if you know what career direction you want to pursue, spend time examining your field with fresh eyes. Some, such as grocery stores, fast food, telecommunications and healthcare, may not match your original career vision but can provide valuable opportunities. Customer service, analytics and project management skills span all industries. If you need to reconsider your career goals, explore your options.

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Job Searching Post Pandemic

Although the first US COVID19 case was noted in January 2020, the initial impact was simply a tiny ripple in the economy. It wasn't until the beginning of March that it began to feel like a tsunami was overtaking our country. Of course, we are all familiar with the narrative…jobs have been lost, the DOW has plunged, and people have suffered so many personal losses.

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How to Look for a New Job While You Are Furloughed

According to the Economic Policy Institute, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic could result in employers cutting nearly 20 million employees by July 2020. Some, like Uber and Boeing, have either terminated workers outright or offered buyout packages. Others, like Walt Disney World and Marriott, have placed employees on furlough, with the intention of bringing them back when market conditions stabilize.

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Working From Home During The Coronavirus Pandemic: What You Need To Know

While telecommuting has become more mainstream in recent years-the remote workforce grew 159% between 2005 and 2017-when just 3.4% of Americans work from home at least half of the time, it's not unreasonable to think that many of the employees who have been asked to work from home due to the coronavirus may have little to no experience doing so, or at least not for an extended period of time.

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