
The Science of Well-Being: How to Stay Happy While Working From Home

The Science of Well-Being: How to Stay Happy While Working From Home

The Science of Well-Being: How to Stay Happy While Working From Home

The Science of Well-Being: How to Stay Happy While Working From Home

By Liz Lewis

April 22, 2020

Originally Published Here


According to Lyubomirsky, happiness has two components: it is derived from how satisfied you are with your life overall, and it can result from emotion - like when a person or thing makes us feel joyful.

Happiness isn't a luxury, in other words: "Literally, if you induce happiness you will boost people's immune systems."

Lyubomirsky's research shows that happiness also makes us work and function better.

As a result, happiness is more important than ever during challenging times and should be top of mind for managers, team members and employers alike.

So how do we harness happiness at work during tough times?

While the reality of life under COVID-19 conditions can seem overwhelming, Lyubomirsky recommends "Having something that you are focused on, that you are pursuing. Whether it's solving a problem, homeschooling your kids, learning a new skill, or doing well at work." Finding that focus is important to achieving "Flow," another important ingredient for happiness.

Surprisingly, some studies show that people experience more flow while working than during leisure activities - another reminder that work is a major contributor to happiness.

Remember: small gestures often mean a lot to those around us, and these acts of kindness and gratitude will not only help others, but boost our own happiness as well.

"Times of adversity bring up to the surface the things that really matter for happiness - things like relationships, connections, gratitude and kindness," Lyubomirsky says.

While it's easy to take happiness for granted during the good times, people need it now more than ever.


Lewis, L. (2020, April 22). The Science of Well-Being: How to Stay Happy While Working From Home. Retrieved April 23, 2020, from