
How to Handle the New Job Jitters

How to Handle the New Job Jitters

How to Handle the New Job Jitters

How to Handle the New Job Jitters

By Alison Doyle

June 34, 2020

Originally Published Here


Are you stressed about starting the new job for which you have just been hired? What's the best way to deal with the stress around making this big career change? There are several ways you can prepare to make this new job as successful as possible.

Remember that almost everyone has had a first day at a new job and has been nervous about meeting new people, working in a new facility, and taking on a new role.

If there are specific job skills you'll need for the new role, take the time to review the job description to make sure you know everything that you need to.

This one should include everything you need to do to start Day One of your new job.

If you haven't attended orientation before starting the job, you may participate in a new employee orientation to familiarize yourself with the company and its policies and procedures.

Here's how to introduce yourself at a new job and how to make the best impression on your colleagues.

Some of the best things you can do when starting a new position are to watch, listen to, and learn from your managers and colleagues.

Even if you're the new boss, take the time to understand how the organization works, why things are done the way they are, and how your team works before you start implementing changes.

Have fun! Even though starting a new job can be stressful, it's also exciting.

Before you head out for your first day, review these do's and don'ts for starting a new job so that you can have a successful start to this phase of your career.


Doyle, A. (2020, June 23). How to Handle the New Job Jitters. Retrieved June 27, 2020, from