
6 Subtle Signs You’re Not Serious About Your Career Growth

6 Subtle Signs You’re Not Serious About Your Career Growth

6 Subtle Signs You’re Not Serious About Your Career Growth

By Adunola Adeshola

June 24, 2020

Originally Published Here


Career growth may seem like a controversial topic right now.

Can you really have career growth in the middle of a global pandemic? Some people might roll their eyes at the thought or brush it off because it seems impossible.

Whether you've been tossed into an unexpected job search or you're secretly on the hunt for a new job, career growth should be your top priority.

Here are six subtle signs you might be holding yourself back from career growth.

Career growth looks different for everyone, especially right now.

Career growth could mean more mentorship, more money, more leadership opportunities, more training and development, more impact, new challenges, a new industry, a better work environment, the list goes on and on.

It's important to recognize which of those things are most important for your personal career growth so that you can at least try to aim for them.

Attaining career growth is not just about doing the right things but thinking the right thoughts as well.

When you have a clear and strategic plan on how to land a new job that will offer you the career growth you want, you can rely on discipline and consistency rather than motivation.

If you have no clue how to do that, if you're mass emailing people without any thoughtfulness, if you think getting support from a career coach is a luxury and not a necessity when you know you need guidance, then you're not taking your career growth seriously and you should consider changing your approach.


Adeshola, A. (2020, June 24). 6 Subtle Signs You're Not Serious About Your Career Growth. Retrieved June 27, 2020, from