
Posts tagged career development
Remote Working Triggering “Career Development Crisis”

Many workers are fearing that their professional progress has stalled as COVID-19 has triggered a 'career development crisis' with so many working from home. Questionmark, the online assessment provider, is urging employers to continue to invest in their people's career development to engage, motivate, and retain workers during this economic uncertainty.

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Seven Ways Career Development Can Help You And Others In Challenging Times

Sareena Hopkins, Executive Director of the Canadian Career Development Foundation, recently wrote a blog suggesting that, "Career development is purpose-built for helping people through complex, challenging transitions. Even pandemics." She came up with seven ways that career development approaches have been helping her personally, and I called her up to ask whether what she proposed could work for the people who needed help most.

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Five reasons why mind mapping helps with career development

In today's fast-paced business environment, you need every edge you can get, and mind mapping serves as a powerful tool for helping you brainstorm, formulate business plans, and make decisions. For the uninitiated, a mind map is a visual aid used to represent various ideas and concepts. When used properly, a mind map can help you better understand your thoughts and come up with new ideas in a meaningful way.

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Keep Track of What You Do So Resume Updates Are Easy

Making resume updates easier is just one reason to keep track of what you do, learn, and accomplish at work. Other reasons include acing your performance reviews and making powerful arguments for promotions and raises. It can also be helpful if you have to write a bio of yourself, whether for an event you’re attending or another professional moment.

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