
Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is

Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is

Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is

Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is

By Ruth Gotian

June 5, 2020

Originally Published Here


Research out of Mayo Clinic reveals that if we spend just 20 percent of our time on things we are passionate about, then other responsibilities which we are less enthusiastic about don't seem as burdensome or daunting.

This is a perfect opportunity to create a passion audit and find out what things we love doing and in the words of Marie Kondo, spark joy in us.

The passion audit reveals the overt and covert tasks that bring meaning to us.

The passion audit requires you to develop a document with three columns.

There might be items from your first column which will reappear in the second column.

Add those things to column number one and after some reflection, you might find they also belong in column number three.

Are there obligations you could shed to make room for a new passion project? Is there a committee you could join or a responsibility you could initiate which revolves around one of your passions? For example, if you're a social media maven, perhaps create and maintain the digital content for your department, favorite committee, or professional organization.

If you love mentoring female youth, is there a program you could develop within your organization to introduce young women to your field? Just spending part of your time doing the things you love, will make the tasks in column number two feel less depleting, especially if it can be maneuvered to support your projects from column three.

To embrace our passions at work, we must first identify what they are.

Conducting a passion audit is a critical first step.


Gotian, R. (2020, June 5). Do What You Love: But First Find Out What That Is. Retrieved June 15, 2020, from