
Posts tagged resume
Resume Basics: Writing And Formatting Your Resume

Your resume needs to be the one that makes the best impression on the person who might be hiring you for your next job, so spending time and effort to boost your resume. A resume with too much of a good thing, like too much capitalization or italicization, is hard to read. After you write your resume, look at it again to see if it looks appealing.

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resumeDave EngresumeComment
Crafting your Student Affairs Resume Webinar

The student affairs job search can be a challenging and demanding time. EVERY student affairs professional has experienced the trials and tribulations of this period in their career. But, no matter where you are in the search, you’ll always need to depend on that standard document: your resume. So how do you craft a resume? How does a resume get attention? How should you describe your own experience? How do you list volunteer activities? What about awards and education?

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Keep Track of What You Do So Resume Updates Are Easy

Making resume updates easier is just one reason to keep track of what you do, learn, and accomplish at work. Other reasons include acing your performance reviews and making powerful arguments for promotions and raises. It can also be helpful if you have to write a bio of yourself, whether for an event you’re attending or another professional moment.

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