
7 tips to help recent grads in hunt for first job

7 tips to help recent grads in hunt for first job

7 tips to help recent grads in hunt for first job

7 tips to help recent grads in hunt for first job

By Heather Boulger

July 04, 2020

Originally Published Here


It feels especially daunting when the economy, the job market, and the world in general seem to be turned upside down.

As the number of people filing for unemployment reaches into the millions, seniors and other first-time job seekers might be wondering how to break into this uncertain job market.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Great Recession shrank the U.S. workforce by 8.8 million jobs.

Those who do land jobs after graduating during a recession tend to start at lower salaries than their counterparts whose careers start in good economics.

Instead of focusing on the job you want, focus on the industries most interested in the skill set you have built.

Think about how the skills from your courses, past internships, summer or work-study jobs, and volunteer work can be leveraged in our current economy.

You are more likely to get a job through a connection so reach out to the people you already know to ask them to keep an eye out for opportunities.

Be focused on staying connected and telling your story rather than finding a job.

You will want to show you were productive, so be ready to talk about the online class you took, the volunteer work you did, or the 10 books you read. KEEP THE FAITH. With so much uncertainly in the world right now, it can be overwhelming to try to conduct a job search.

There are 1,400 jobs posted in the Berkshires this month alone ranging from entry-level service jobs to nursing and engineering positions.


Boulger, H. (2020, July 04). 7 tips to help recent grads in hunt for first job. Retrieved July 06, 2020, from,608274