
It's Time To Crowdsource Your Job Search

It's Time To Crowdsource Your Job Search

It's Time To Crowdsource Your Job Search

It's Time To Crowdsource Your Job Search

By Jack Kelly

July 13, 2020

Originally Published Here


Searching for a new job was once seen as a solitary effort.

Our identities are so wrapped up in our jobs and careers that we feel a loss of prestige and status when we're out of work.

With this in mind, there's no longer a need to embark upon your job search alone.

Muddling through the Covid-19 pandemic is hard enough; when you've lost your job, it's even tougher.

This is one of the most overlooked aspects of the job search.

Add some of the new trending hashtags offered by the site, including #opentowork and #openopportunities, so people know that you are actively seeking a job.

The best thing is that you'll find a great new job through a kind referral.

There are a number of places that are starting to offer online video meetups for job seekers to replace the pre-Covid-19, in-person networking events.

You can now leverage the entire country for your job search.

You can now openly engage in your job search, enlist the help of others and no longer feel like you're enduring it all on your own.


Kelly, J. (2020, July 13). It's Time To Crowdsource Your Job Search. Retrieved July 14, 2020, from