
7 Tips To Support Your Job Search On And Offline During A Pandemic

7 Tips To Support Your Job Search On And Offline During A Pandemic

7 Tips To Support Your Job Search On And Offline During A Pandemic

7 Tips To Support Your Job Search On And Offline During A Pandemic

By Bianca Miller Cole

July 27, 2020

Originally Published Here


I have been speaking to a number of clients or prospective clients who are unfortunately being made redundant due to the effect of the pandemic on their industry and this lead me to writing this article to support them during their job search at a time of uncertainty.

Although companies are not hiring at the same rate they did when everything was 'normal', they are still hiring and this doesn't mean we should completely stop searching for a new job even during a pandemic.

So here are a few tips to help you when job searching during this unsettling time and give you that boost of confidence!

As everything is moving at a slower pace you might want to wait a little while before actively searching for a job.

Reach out to those you have been meaning to, expressing your interest in finding a job within your job sector and inquiring about the possibility of beginning a new job.

Try looking for a freelance job whilst you are trying to land your ideal job.

Maybe you just received a job offer or scheduled an interview before the pandemic and now you haven't heard anything? This is your chance to email and find out what is happening regarding your application and see what opportunities you may have.

You can email the hiring manager, asking how they are and what is happening regarding the possibility of starting a new job.

In order to search for new jobs during a pandemic you want to make sure your CV and profiles are all up to date.

Browse the internet and see if you can learn a new skill during this period of time to boost your application when your job searching.


Cole, B. (2020, July 27). 7 Tips To Support Your Job Search On And Offline During A Pandemic. Retrieved July 29, 2020, from