
Three Counterintuitive Reasons To Slow Your Job Search Roll

Three Counterintuitive Reasons To Slow Your Job Search Roll

Three Counterintuitive Reasons To Slow Your Job Search Roll

By John M. O'Connor

August 18, 2020

Originally Published Here


What a job seeker intuitively expects and thinks about job search in some ways has not changed during my 29-year career coaching journey.

I don't want to go back in time, but history teaches me that some of the thought processes from years ago, especially a few counterintuitive steps, could help job seekers today.

Today's job market? Anyone from anywhere can blast their résumé out to 100-plus jobs in a day, probably.

What can you learn from history, and what are three of my favorite counterintuitive job search tips?

My counterintuitive tip? Embrace the quiet and overt reinvention of your career.

Other clients who are "Working through" a career change while holding a job naturally take the time and sometimes have more capacity to consider changes, but I find that they need to put rigor to the idea unless they are highly motivated by their bad job or know they need to make a career change.

What can we learn? Slow down and build quality personal and professional change into your job search mindset.


O'Connor, J. M. (2020, August 18). Council Post: Three Counterintuitive Reasons To Slow Your Job Search Roll. Retrieved August 22, 2020, from