
Marketing Yourself for a Job: 6 Tips for Success

Marketing Yourself for a Job: 6 Tips for Success

Marketing Yourself for a Job: 6 Tips for Success

Marketing Yourself for a Job: 6 Tips for Success

By  Dorothy Tannahill-Moran

November 13, 2020

Originally Published Here


How do you successfully market yourself in a job search?

Following are six tips for marketing yourself for a job.

With a solid elevator pitch in place, you can build on it and use the pitch to market yourself throughout a job search.

Once you've got an elevator pitch, it's time to build a personal brand.

Creating a personal brand for your job search isn't bragging as much as it is marketing yourself for a job in an appropriately professional manner.

Creating a personal brand takes time and effort, but it can be well worth it for your job search.

Everyone has heard the phrase, "It's not what you know, it's who you know." And while what you know does play a significant role in landing a job, it's hard to deny that building a strong network can also be an essential element of a job search and career success.

It's important to remember that while your network is there for you, in some respects, your network isn't about you.

A crucial yet often overlooked part of networking is what you can bring to others in your network.

Even during a job search, make sure you're balancing the types of communications you have with your network.


Tannahill-Moran, D. (2020, November 13). Marketing Yourself for a Job: 6 Tips for Success. Retrieved November 22, 2020, from