
The Art Of Finding A Job

The Art Of Finding A Job

The Art Of Finding A Job

The Art Of Finding A Job

By Melissa King

November 18, 2020

Originally Published Here


The question is where do you start? The answer is it is different for everyone, but at the end of the day there are some simple guidelines we can all follow to get us that job we desire.

Whether you are looking for your first job or you are a well-seasoned professional, looking for a job involves a few very fundamental steps.

So many of us fall into a rut thinking we aren't good enough to go after a certain job.

You will no doubt feel daunted by the job search experience.

There are those who have luck fall in their lap time and time again who can never relate to the hardship of finding a job, but for most, the process can be stressful.

Self-doubt and fear are the two crippling factors keeping us from finding that job we really want.

Staying the course in any job search is undoubtedly one of the hardest things to accomplish.

When you realistically approach the job search you actually can begin to see progress.

It's up to you as the job seeker to control the narrative.

Did the hiring manager even read any of it? Often, in the job search, questions go unanswered and some things are out of your control.


King, M. (2020, November 17). Council Post: The Art Of Finding A Job. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from