
Lessons For Those Considering A Leadership Position In Higher Ed Administration

Lessons For Those Considering A Leadership Position In Higher Ed Administration

Lessons For Those Considering A Leadership Position In Higher Ed Administration

Lessons For Those Considering A Leadership Position In Higher Ed Administration

By Stella Erbes

January 5, 2021

Originally Published Here


These unprecedented times have called me to give extra care and attention to how I carry out my leadership responsibilities to benefit the students, staff members and faculty members at our university.

In approaching the divisional dean position, I recognized pre-emptively that my reflections and lessons learned during my first year might serve as a helpful resource for other people who are considering a leadership position in higher education.

Her tips on how to respond to faculty members with words like, "You've given me a lot to think about," or her advice on how to frame a sensitive email to a professor, were extremely beneficial as I interacted with my former peers in my new administrative role.

As a faculty member, I never considered how our office supplies were ordered, how many reimbursements were processed in our division or how the classrooms were stocked - I took all those tasks for granted.

Before assuming any leadership position, people warn each other about how the stress and long hours of work begin to take a toll on one's health.

How will you start it? How will you end it? How much sleep do you need? Under what circumstances do your mind and your body thrive? Once you open your computer and begin work, the day grabs a hold of you.

As you launch your own journey in higher education, I will reiterate the words that were once shared with me: "It will be fun. Now you will get to see how a university works."


Erbes, S. (2021, January 5). Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved January 07, 2021, from