
Posts in higher education
Lessons For Those Considering A Leadership Position In Higher Ed Administration

These unprecedented times have called me to give extra care and attention to how I carry out my leadership responsibilities to benefit the students, staff members and faculty members at our university. In approaching the divisional dean position, I recognized pre-emptively that my reflections and lessons learned during my first year might serve as a helpful resource for other people who are considering a leadership position in higher education.

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How First-Year Comp Can Save the World

At least once a semester, I have a conversation that goes something like this: a colleague looks at her students' essays and moans, "They just can't write." When I ask how much class time she spends talking about student writing, I'm told quite sharply that "There is way too much material to cover to spend time on that, so I just give them a handout. I mean, aren't they supposed to learn this stuff in first-year comp?".

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I Killed My Teenager’s Fancy College Dreams. You Should, Too.

A couple months ago, my 17-year-old daughter's guidance counselor called her into his office to ask pretty much the only question that adults ask high school seniors: "What colleges are you applying to?" When Ella tossed off a handful of universities, he said, "Have you thought about going to art school?".

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This underrated type of intelligence could predict academic success

In 1990, researchers Peter Salovey and John Mayer coined the phrase emotional intelligence, to mean "The ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions." Since then, emotional intelligence research has linked this skill to success both in school and beyond graduation.

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Every Campus Has Buildings to Learn From. Here Are Some of the Best.

In the hope that they might help you think about news you hear and buildings you see, here are a few of the lessons that campus buildings have taught me over the years. American college campuses are full of memorable buildings - Jefferson's Rotunda at the U. of Virginia, Charles Z. Klauder's Heinz Chapel at the U. of Pittsburgh, Eero Saarinen's Ingalls Rink at Yale U. You could spend a month listing them and still miss many favorites.

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