
Posts in networking
No-Hassle Student Affairs Networking Webinar

Networking is one of those taboo professional subjects. “You should be networking!” But what exactly IS networking? How do you use it to advance your career? What can YOU do right to find your next position in the field based not only on WHAT you know but also WHO you know? This presentation answers these questions and more. In addition, the presentation will address WHY networking is such an important activity of your professional development and advancement in the field. Steps for getting started in networking including: who should be in your network; who you should prioritize; and how to maintain your network. Networking is not simply a “project” to do. Instead, networking must be done continually and proactively in order to provide value to others in order to be effective. The presentation ends with applicable steps to take in formulating your own networking plan based on the 20x20 method.

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