
Posts tagged student affairs
COVID-19 challenges for student affairs and services globally 

The global pandemic is a time for student affairs and services to shape and offer solutions to challenges, and give direction and support to imagine the post-COVID-19 world as one world, where risks and resources are shared to combat hazards and advance social justice so that we are all equitably equipped to face the next crisis.

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The future of student affairs and services in higher education

Hans de Wit's article on "Student affairs and services in a time of turmoil for European and international higher education", points out that massification of higher education is ongoing in many parts of the world, with an aspiring middle-class demanding access and governments and higher education systems struggling to respond in a qualitative way.

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Introducing the Student Affairs Job Search Community

In the Facebook group “The Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr,” I’m proud to serve a whole community of student affairs job seekers at all different stages of their careers. This community is public – we rally around our functional areas, challenges and goals. Yet, we’ve never had a private community… until now! “The Student Affairs Job Search” will be our private community and program for motivated and passionate student job seekers.

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Principles, values and beliefs of student affairs and services

The effective administration of student affairs and services or SAS is based, in part, on theories of management, accounting, human resources etc. Students in higher education all over the world enrol in different programmes of study and access various services, informed and guided by basic principles and values of student affairs and services.

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