
The Student Affairs Job Search Podcast

Episode 7 Introvert Networking

Introvert Networking

Hi and welcome to the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr

I’m your host Dave Eng from the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr.

On the student affairs job search we dive deeply into the steps needed to move forward in our careers.

Find out more at www.jobhakr.com

On today’s show we’ll talk about How to network as an Introverted student affairs professional.

Being asked to network as an introverted student affairs professional can be challenging.

Even more so if you just want to sit home and catch up on Netflix.

I am a precariously balancing Introvert and Extrovert.

So, I identify and empathize with you!

Networking is definitely challenging!

Especially if you just don’t feel like connecting with anyone.

But meeting other people in the field and learning more about them is important.

It’s just as important to share more about yourself.

This helps you both personally and professionally.

Now let’s focus on 10 key areas to prioritize to successfully network as an introverted student affairs professional.

#1 Know you’re not the only one

You are not the only introverted student affairs professional out there.

You’re not the first and you won’t be the last one.

It’s okay to identify as an introvert.

That’s part of who you are and what gives you energy.

It’s how you go about your daily life.

Recognizing that you’re not the only one that feels this way is important.

The next step is branching out and meeting other professionals.

#2 Buddy up

Networking is going to be difficult for an introvert.

That’s why I recommend student affairs professionals find a buddy.

This should be someone else you can hang out with at events and activities.

Ideally this should be someone in your immediate peer group.

Alternatively, you can also volunteer to become a mentee for a professional organization like NASPA or ACPA.

Volunteering means that you’ll be connected with an experienced mentor.

They can help you navigate the often complex process of networking at big events.

I’ve helped out dozens of new student affairs professionals this way.

The key outcome here is to pair up with someone who can help introduce you to more people.

#3 Prepare ahead of time

There’s one universal situation where an introverted student affairs professional freezes up.

It’s when they don’t know how to ask and answer some basic networking questions.

Those can be questions like “how did you get started in student affairs?”

Or “what institution are you at right now?”

Or “what do you like most of your current work?”

These are great (and safe) questions that you can ask any potential new contact.

But don’t stop here.

Also prepare your own answers for the same questions as they will most likely be asked right back to you.

Have those answers prepared and “in your back pocket.”

This will help alleviate a lot of the stress behind networking as an introvert.

#4 Challenge yourself

I’m a gamer and I like challenges.

Let me take you back to the time when I was a shy new professional.

Networking seemed like a pretty daunting task.

But, I took it as an opportunity to create some of my own challenges in my networking path.

I would setup a personal goal to share and collect 5 business cards at a single conference.

To do that I would give myself little “quests”

I would make myself go to a session that I had little knowledge about.

I would volunteer at the event in order to meet other young professionals.

What would I do after that?

I would reward myself with a few hours of quiet time in my hotel room with a book.

I just made sure that I started slow with small individual goals.

That made networking more manageable when I first got started.

#5 Take baby steps

Is setting up your own challenges too much?

Then you can start with some smaller baby steps.

This is very useful when first starting out.

Often the first step to an introduction is just a smile.

So the next time that you’re at an event commit yourself to one “win”

Make eye contact and smile to just ONE person you don’t know.

After that you can try something more active.

Like WAVING at someone that you don’t know.

Ready to ramp it up?

Then say hello to someone that you’ve just met.

Your path will begin to snowball.

It’ll reach a point where you can introduce yourself, start to ask questions about them, and engage in a meaningful dialogue.

#6 Define your approach

Up next, you’ll want to define your approach.

Some of the hardest parts of networking as an introvert is approaching a group.

But you don’t’ have to do that.

Often you’ll find it easier to just wave and smile at one person to start a conversation.

Some of my best conversations I’ve ever had at a conference?

It’s been when I’ve just sat down.

I’d sit down in a chair and introduce myself to the person next to me.

There’s a good and instant way to break the ice in this situation.

Just ask the person “is this seat taken?”

Then point at the seat next to them.

I follow it up with “I don’t know much about this topic, how about you?”

This is good way to gauge the knowledge of the person you just met.

Are they really knowledgeable?

Then you can listen to what they have to say

If they’re not?

Then no worries.

You can both learn and share insights together.

#7 Listening skills are your assets

Want to know one of the greatest strengths of being an introvert?

It’s that usually your listening skills are on point.

You can harness that while you network.

It’s like your super power

You can REALLY gather and assess what the other person is saying.

Sometimes I find myself in a tight position.

I don’t know what to say in response to what a person just said.

So I just rely on one of my oldest tricks: paraphrasing.

I’ll try to summarize what the person just said to me.

Did they recall an anecdote about having a tough time checking into the hotel?

My response “Sounds like you’ve had a rough day so far.”

Are they excited to attend this conference presentation?”

My response “You sound like you like to learn.”

#8 Quality over quantity

Many introverts think that they need to meet as many different people as they can.

That doesn’t have to be the case.

Part of taking baby steps is doing things that are comfortable at first.

Then working on taking more challenging steps later on.

That means starting off with developing quality conversations with people you just met.

Concentrate on this first before trying to talk to as many people as possible.

Rely on getting to know more about the person and have them talk.

You’ll quickly find how much people like to share what they do and what they’re most proud of.

#9 Follow up after the conference

I’m old school, so I still like to collect and give out business cards at conferences.

You can choose to do that too if you’d like.

The point is that you should share your contact information.

AND you should collect the same information from your new colleagues.

Starting sorting out those cards when you get back to campus.

Follow up with an email or a message over social media.

Share that you enjoyed meeting them!

Remind them of the circumstances of your meeting.

Talk about something you both discussed.

Following up with your new contacts solidifies them as a connection.

#10 Work your new contacts for additional ones

This is the part where networking really pays off.

Have you followed up with your new contacts?


Now ask them if they know anyone else in the field that you should be talking to.

So who should you be looking for?

Start with others who work in the same functional area as you.

Then you can work your way towards others with the same interests.

This is where you can grow and expand a quality network at an exponential rate!

I hope you found this episode useful.

If you’d like some additional tips on your search then a great place to start is my eBook “Getting Started in your Student Affairs Job Search.”

You can download it for free at www.jobhakr.com/gettingstarted

You can also get a full transcript of this episode including links to references in the description or show notes.

Thanks for joining me!

Again, I’m your host Dave Eng from the Student Affairs Job Search by the Job Hakr.

On the student affairs job search we dive deeply into the steps needed to move forward in our careers.

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Also make sure to visit the Job Hakr online at www.jobhakr.com

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Also, feel free to email me anytime at dave@jobhakr.com

Happy searching!


7 Networking Tips for Shy People. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://ducttapemarketing.com/networking-for-shy-people/

Burry, M. (2019, January 25). Top 8 Career Networking Tips for Introverts. Retrieved July 8, 2019, from https://www.thebalancecareers.com/networking-tips-for-introverts-2061377

Levy, J. (2018, April 20). 8 Networking Tips For Introverts From A Superconnector. Retrieved July 8, 2019, from https://www.forbes.com/sites/jonlevy/2018/04/20/8-networking-tips-for-introverts-from-a-superconnector/#4978540f26ef

Runyan, A. (n.d.). An Introvert's Guide to Networking. Retrieved July 8, 2019, from https://www.themuse.com/advice/an-introverts-guide-to-networking