
The Student Affairs Job Search Podcast

Posts tagged networking
Episode 27 Informational Interviews

On this episode we’ll talk about informational interviews. I never really knew what informational interviews were until I had done a few dozen of them. Now I wish I could have gone back in time in told my younger self “DO THIS DAVE! IT’LL CHANGE YOUR STUDENT AFFAIRS CAREER!” Alas, I cannot. But I do advise all student affairs professionals to conduct informational interviews as frequently as they can.

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Episode 8 First Round Interview

On today’s show we’ll talk about first round interviews. Most job applicants will need to get through a first round interview. Sometimes that happens in person. But most of the time it happens over the phone. Or it happens via a video through Zoom, Skype, Hangouts or any online platform. The medium doesn’t matter. Doing well at the first round interview is key. It’s key because this is the first step in progressing through the process and the search. That means that all job seekers – including entry level student affairs professionals - will need to adequately prepare for the first round interview. This episode will help you determine two of the most common types of first round interviews.

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Episode 7 Introvert Networking

On today’s show we’ll talk about How to network as an introverted student affairs professional. Being asked to network as an introverted student affairs professional can be challenging. Even more so if you just want to sit home and catch up on Netflix. I am a precariously balancing Introvert and Extrovert. So, I identify and empathize with you! Networking is definitely challenging! Especially if you just don’t feel like connecting with anyone. But meeting other people in the field and learning more about them is important. It’s just as important to share more about yourself. This helps you both personally and professionally.

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Episode 5 Network like a Pro

Networking in student affairs can be really difficult. Especially if you’re a new professional and haven’t done any networking before. Earlier in my career I viewed networking as merely “professional schmoozing.” It was something that I didn’t really care for. I felt this way for several years. That is, until it took me some time to get a hang for it at different events, conferences, and presentations. Then after a few more years, it clicked. Now I really understand the value of good networking.

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