
The Student Affairs Job Search Podcast

Episode 11 Did you nail the interview?

Many enter the student affairs interview not knowing if it’ll end in their favor. Though there are certain magical times when they do. That’s when the interview feels less formal and more casual. It feels less like an interview and more like a conversation. In fact it feels like you are having a good time with some future new colleagues. That’s when you know your interview went well. So, here are some great signs that you’ve nailed your student affairs interview. Let’s address body language. One of the things that demonstrates the search committee is resonating with what your saying is by examining their body language.

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Episode 10 How to Close an Interview

Many student affairs professionals prepare for setting up and succeeding at the interview. But not many spend time actually preparing to close out an interview. So, I am often asked “What do I do at the end?” The answer to how you “close out a student affairs interview” is not a simple one. Because what you do specifically in your situation depends on at least three things.

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Episode 9 Don't Say That in the Interview

On today’s show we’ll talk about what you shouldn’t say during an interview. Student affairs interviews are already incredibly challenging. There great tips out there for what you SHOULD say during an interview. These cover how you should prepare for regularly asked interview questions. But there are also certain things that you just shouldn’t DO in any interview. This episode will cover what you SHOULDN’T do during the student affairs job interview. This episode will also cover how you can pivot during your conversation. This is done in order to present your best self.

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Episode 8 First Round Interview

On today’s show we’ll talk about first round interviews. Most job applicants will need to get through a first round interview. Sometimes that happens in person. But most of the time it happens over the phone. Or it happens via a video through Zoom, Skype, Hangouts or any online platform. The medium doesn’t matter. Doing well at the first round interview is key. It’s key because this is the first step in progressing through the process and the search. That means that all job seekers – including entry level student affairs professionals - will need to adequately prepare for the first round interview. This episode will help you determine two of the most common types of first round interviews.

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Episode 7 Introvert Networking

On today’s show we’ll talk about How to network as an introverted student affairs professional. Being asked to network as an introverted student affairs professional can be challenging. Even more so if you just want to sit home and catch up on Netflix. I am a precariously balancing Introvert and Extrovert. So, I identify and empathize with you! Networking is definitely challenging! Especially if you just don’t feel like connecting with anyone. But meeting other people in the field and learning more about them is important. It’s just as important to share more about yourself. This helps you both personally and professionally.

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Episode 5 Network like a Pro

Networking in student affairs can be really difficult. Especially if you’re a new professional and haven’t done any networking before. Earlier in my career I viewed networking as merely “professional schmoozing.” It was something that I didn’t really care for. I felt this way for several years. That is, until it took me some time to get a hang for it at different events, conferences, and presentations. Then after a few more years, it clicked. Now I really understand the value of good networking.

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Episode 4 Ending the Search

This episode will address the period of time that student affairs job seekers find themselves in at one point or another: the end of their search. The late stage of the student affairs job search is mostly out of your hands. It’s up to the hiring managers, committees, and recruiters to determine whether you’ll progress further in their search. But this also comes with a hard truth: most interviews will end with you not being offered the position. I have to stress this: you must be okay with that. Not getting an offer is not a sign of failure or an attack on your character. There are just too few positions with too many applicants. So, it’s highly likely that you won’t receive an offer (or many times, even any future contact) from your interviewers.

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Episode 3 Middle of the Search

After completing applications, sending in cover letters and resumes, as well as participating in the NASPA (Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education) Placement Exchange or ACPA (American College Personnel Association) Career Central, you’ll proceed to the middle stages of the job search. That means participating in first round phone and/or video conference interviews. This transition represents the middle stages of your search where you’ve already progressed past the initial field of candidates and have gained the attention of the search committee. At this point, you’ll find yourself competing against a smaller pool of applicants.

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Episode 2 Beginning the Search

On today’s show we’ll talk about beginning your student affairs job search. The student affairs job search is a long one. On average it takes 119 days. That length can be very challenging; especially if you've never participated in a higher education job search before. That’s why it’s helpful to breakdown the specific stages of the job search. This makes each part more manageable. Breaking it down also makes it easier to focus.

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