
The Science of Working from Home: Present and Future

The Science of Working from Home: Present and Future

The Science of Working from Home: Present and Future

The Science of Working from Home: Present and Future

By Liz Lewis

April 15, 2020

Originally Published Here


Under today's pandemic conditions, working from home has transformed from a perk enjoyed by some to a daily requirement for millions of people across the world.

This level of remote work is unprecedented both in the U.S. and globally, with many employees and managers surprised to see that working from home full-time isn't what they imagined.

What workers think they know about working from home can sometimes get in the way of the work itself - reducing productivity and efficiency, while increasing avoidable frustrations.

For employers, one of the biggest myths surrounding working from home involves management: Can people who aren't in the office actually be supervised? According to Golden, this is a misplaced worry: "The fact that you're not there within physical eyesight doesn't mean that you cannot oversee from an electronic standpoint."

People working from home "Need to think about having schedules and sticking to a disciplined routine and schedule, so that they can maintain balance in their work and in their home life," he explains.

For proponents, it's common to overestimate the ease of working from home.

"One of the very practical things that people can do is to have some honest, sincere, straightforward conversations with their family members in terms of working out agreements or arrangements for juggling the need to work at home and how to do that best," Golden advises.

While remote work can lead to social and professional isolation, Golden suggests several useful strategies to keep people connected, collaborative and working as a team - from the safety and comfort of their home office.

No one could have predicted that millions of Americans would suddenly be working from home, yet the COVID-19 pandemic will surely leave a lasting impact on the future of work.

Workers and managers should be mindful that carving out necessary space - both physical and mental - is key to working from home successfully.


Lewis, L. (2020, April 15). The Science of Working from Home: Present and Future. Retrieved April 17, 2020, from