
5 Steps That’ll Allow You To Continue Working From Home After The COVID-19 Peak

5 Steps That’ll Allow You To Continue Working From Home After The COVID-19 Peak

5 Steps That’ll Allow You To Continue Working From Home After The COVID-19 Peak

5 Steps That’ll Allow You To Continue Working From Home After The COVID-19 Peak

By Avery Blank

April 27, 2020

Originally Published Here


The information may allay your fears about returning to work or even mention an option to continue working from home.

If the information mentions the opportunity to continue working from home, you do not need to ask you manager to continue working from home.

Expressing your concern may even prompt your manager to think that it might be best that you continue to work from home.

Ask your manager if you can continue to work from home.

You could say during your discussion with your manager, "Might I be able to continue working from home?".

Prove to your manager that you are productive and effective working from home.

If your office has opened up but you have permission to continue working from home, you need to prove that you are equally as capable to complete the work remotely.

Unless your manager proposes it first, ask your manager if you would be allowed to continue working from home.

Finally, prove to your manager that you are just as valuable an employee working from home.

What steps will you take that will make you feel comfortable working during the coronavirus pandemic? Share with me your stories and thoughts via Twitter or LinkedIn.


Blank, A. (2020, April 27). 5 Steps That'll Allow You To Continue Working From Home After The COVID-19 Peak. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from